Missouri Vein Care Blog

The Truth Behind Tired and Achy Legs: Is It Your Circulation?

Written by Dr. Michael Ryan | September 27, 2023 at 6:24 PM

You may be familiar with that sensation – the gradual onset of weariness as the day unfolds, accompanied by persistent leg discomfort and achiness. By evening, even a short walk can feel like a daunting task. It's a puzzle that often leaves us wondering whether it's merely a consequence of our busy routines or an inevitable outcome of growing older. What causes tired and achy legs? I’ll answer that question and unveil the surprising reality behind evening fatigue - the unexpected link it has to your circulation.

Debunking the Myths

The short answer is yes, your circulation could very well be the culprit. It's a scenario we encounter daily at our clinic. People stroll in, explaining away their tired, achy legs as a side effect of their hectic lives. "I'm on my feet all day," they say, or "It's just a part of getting older," they reason. But here's the kicker: those explanations aren't entirely accurate.

Beneath the Surface

Believe it or not, having consistently tired and achy legs is not par for the course, even if you're keeping busy on your feet all day or enjoying the wisdom that comes with age. Sure, there might be exceptions for individuals engaged in heavy physical labor or extreme exertion, where a touch of leg fatigue can be expected. However, for most of us, just going about our daily activities – standing, walking, and the like – shouldn't leave us feeling utterly drained. That's where the plot thickens: the real issue is often tied to our vein condition, not just our activity levels.


Unmasking the Patterns

Staying active and staying on our feet is important, and it can play a role in our overall health. But when our legs are waving the white flag as the day goes on, it's likely not because we've overworked them. The root cause often lies in the state of our veins. Age, despite its many wonderful attributes, doesn't automatically come with the baggage of perpetual fatigue. Unless there's an underlying medical condition, like heart or lung issues, feeling completely drained in your 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, or even 70s is not the norm.

The Telltale Signs

So, how can you tell if your tired legs are trying to tell you something about your veins? Well, here's where the pattern comes into play – the key to unlocking the mystery. If your fatigue builds up over the course of the day and peaks by evening, you might want to pay extra attention. Picture this: you come home from work, attend to a few household chores, and finally sit down to rest. But when it's time to rise again, you feel as if you've hit a wall – exhaustion takes hold and your whole body, not just your legs, seems to have surrendered.

Inflammation's Role

Here's where inflammation steps into the spotlight. Inflammation triggered by stagnant blood flow in your veins can be a major player in this tale of tired legs. Throughout the day, you've managed to keep going, adapting to the fatigue that's brewing beneath the surface. But the moment you stop, inflammation comes roaring in, sapping your energy and leaving you stranded on the couch. Inflammation is like the body's "healing mode," which is great when you're recovering from an illness, but not so much when it's your veins causing the trouble. It's like your body's alarm system has gone haywire, making you feel drained and defeated.

The Cycle of Inactivity

And that's when the plot takes an interesting twist. Those who experience this pattern of evening fatigue are often the ones who find themselves gradually gaining weight – around 10 to 15 pounds a year, on average. The reason? They're stuck in a cycle of inactivity for several hours and are burning fewer calories which contributes to their struggles with both fatigue and weight management. Sure, they can muster the strength to get things done, but it's a constant battle against their own exhaustion.

Now, for the good news.

The individuals who feel this overwhelming fatigue and heaviness in their legs are often the ones who experience the most astonishing relief after vein treatment. It's as if a fog has lifted, revealing a newfound vitality they forgot they had. I've had patients share their incredible stories, like the lady who had to crawl up her own stairs like a baby because her legs were so weak and tired. After undergoing treatment, she felt like a brand-new person, able to ascend those steps without a second thought.

Taking Charge of Your Well-being

Sometimes people say their legs are tired and achy, and other times people say their entire body is exhausted. Either way, don't write it off as simply a part of life. Those symptoms, coupled with the pattern of fatigue intensifying throughout the day, could very well be signaling an underlying vein circulation problem. The good news is that treatments make a world of difference for most patients, revealing a lighter, more energetic version of yourself.

The Path Forward

It all starts with an initial vein ultrasound – the key to unlocking the map of your veins and identifying the core of the problem. Don't let fatigue dictate your days any longer; take charge of your own health and let us help you figure out what's causing your symptoms and how to find a solution.