Fear of Loss of Independence [VIDEO]


In today’s 'Fear Of' series, Dr. Ryan is sitting down to address one of the most common fears, the loss of independence. For most people, our identities are based on the assumption that we can take care of ourselves and don't need other people's help. For some, the fear of losing this independence prevents them from moving forward with treatment, even though it will dramatically improve their condition. 

Independence is linked to identity. When independence is taken away, or when people perceive that it may be threatened, it challenges their sense of who they are. Those who grow up with some sort of physical challenge understand dependence completely differently - they aren't afraid of it and have learned to adapt in spite of it. But when a person grows up in independence, though, and is faced with mobility issues, it can be a very scary problem. The threat of losing the ability to drive, go shopping for themselves or being forced to rely on someone else for getting out of bed, or walking and going to the bathroom has them mentally and emotionally locked. In my practice, I see people regularly who because of loss of energy, fatigue and leg aching are experiencing markedly diminished mobility. They fear a more permanent loss may be coming. 

When their condition is connected to a vein condition, treatment provides the solution that gives them back their mobility and therefore, their sense of independence. Some of the time, however, I find that their situation is not due to a vein condition. When that happens, I try to do my best in making a recommendation as to what the next step in their health care journey should be. My goal regardless is to provide each individual with insight into how to improve their health, or the health of a friend or family member. 

Watch below as I break down the two different problem areas many people face when it comes to losing their independence and ways to cope with this specific fear.


What This All Means 

When you think about the fear of losing independence, try to remember that there are antidotes for each situation you may be facing. If you feel tired a lot and like your legs want to give up, know that you have medical options that can help keep you independent, like a vein screening to see what’s really going on. Additionally, talk to your healthcare provider about this fear to see how you can address it and keep moving forward without it lingering. 

Lastly, know that you’re not alone, we see people all the time who have the fear of losing independence because of their diminished activity and mobility.

What Can You Do? 

If you're worried and anxious about this or your condition is associated with painful leg symptoms, the easiest thing to do is set up a free vein screen. This simple step will provide reassurance in knowing if the symptoms you are experiencing are due to a vein condition...and therefore treatable. For people who then go on to have treatment, it's a life changer. 



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