Is There a Connection Between A Vein Condition and Heart Problems?

Connection Between A Vein Condition and Heart Problems

Anytime you talk about veins, people tend to become concerned. Their first thoughts jump to fears...things like blood clots and heart problems. Because I have a background as a cardiac and vascular surgeon, people ask me about these concerns a lot. I believe that the more information you have, the less you will worry and the better able you’ll be to talk to your healthcare provider and make great decisions about your health. We have a number of blogs and an ebook already dedicated to blood clots, so I’ll talk here about the link between vein conditions and heart problems.

In any discussion about a connection between vein conditions and heart problems, there are two questions to consider:

1)  Can a vein condition cause heart problems?

2) Can heart problems cause a vein condition?

I’ll discuss both: 

Can a Vein Condition Cause Heart Problems?

In short, a vein condition does not directly cause heart problems. However, the ongoing result of the chronic symptoms of a vein condition can. Those who have a vein condition have some consistent signs: leg swelling and sore, tired, and achy legs. They may also have leg cramping at night and/or experience restless leg syndrome. These are typically more pronounced in the evenings or at night and frequently disrupt normal sleep patterns. This chronic lack of sleep can affect your health, and in turn, your heart.

Additionally, on top of not getting quality sleep, a vein condition can cause leg swelling and discomfort which prevents sufferers from participating in exercise. Even normal activities like working, walking become painful. This lack of exercise eventually leads to weight gain. A sedentary lifestyle along with weight gain can put a strain on your heart, increasing your risk of a heart attack.

While a vein condition does not directly cause heart problems, the untended symptoms of inactivity and weight gain can lead to a decline in health that will worsen over time. The sooner you receive vein treatment and are able to get more active, the healthier you’ll be in the long run.

Can a Heart Condition Cause Vein Problems?

On the other side of the coin, can a heart condition cause vein problems? There is direct evidence that the answer to this is ‘yes.’  When experiencing right heart failure, this often leads to fluid retention. That fluid retention is going to put more pressure on your veins causing them to become enlarged. Pain and swelling in the legs, then, is the result of edema, or pressure in the veins caused by excess trapped fluid - in this case, blood in the veins of your lower legs. High pressure then causes vein reflux - a condition where the valves in the veins weaken. These valves control the blood flow back up your legs as the blood recirculates back to your heart. When these valves weaken, some of the blood pools in your legs and is unable to make its return trip - the cause of a vein condition. 

The swelling can be improved by wearing compression stockings. The compression stockings will apply the appropriate amount of pressure to the leg area to tighten the valves and restore circulation and blood flow. Ultimately though, the only sure solution for vein reflux is to receive vein treatments. You’ll also want to meet with your healthcare provider to determine a course of treatment for your heart - the initial trigger that set off the chain of events leading to a vein condition.

Although uncommon, untreated sleep apnea can lead to right heart failure and abnormal vein circulation. If you are suspicious that this might be your problem, get a home sleep test and ask your provider to do a heart echo, being sure to look at both the right and left side of the heart. So ultimately...'Yes,' the presence of a heart condition can sometimes stimulate the onset of a vein condition. The added pressure in the veins can cause vein reflux. And 'No,' the presence of a vein condition does not directly cause a heart condition, though if left untreated, the symptoms can accumulate, resulting in a host of other health issues, one of which can be a heart problem. Lack of exercise, lack of sleep, fatigue, swelling and weight gain, if not treated with vein treatments, can compound and diminish your overall health. 

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of a vein condition, I encourage you to schedule a free vein screening to find out whether or not a vein condition is occurring and what steps you can take toward finding a solution. Vein screenings are free and can be done in person or online. 




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