Is Sitting the New Smoking?


With more and more people working from home or sitting in front of a computer, it is becoming quite apparent that sitting can now be just as dangerous as smoking. The longer a person remains in a sitting position, the weaker their muscles and joints become. Not only does this affect the musculoskeletal system in a detrimental way, but it also affects the other body systems as well. Understanding what constant sitting does to the body, will give you the motivation to get up and move around to prevent your health from deteriorating.

The Risks of Daily Sitting for Long Periods of Time

One of the biggest risks of daily sitting for long periods of time is getting used to it. It's estimated that almost 45% of individuals watch more than three hours of television a day. Many of those people also have sit-down jobs that keep them from moving around. The longer you sit, the stiffer your joints get. The risk of heart disease, blood clots, and diabetes also increases dramatically. 

As people begin to live a more sedentary lifestyle, it becomes more of a challenge for them to find ways to remain active. The resulting stiffness and discomfort in your joints often become the reason for remaining seated. Joint health goes down, mental health declines...and weight goes up. 

How Does Sitting Impact the Body?

They key to a long and healthy life is movement and activity. It keeps your joints active, your heart pumping, your. mental health up, your circulation flowing and your weight down. As it advances, the worst case scenario is that your weight increases and the strain on your joints increases. You also become more likely to have a blood clot. 

Constantly sitting in the same position for many hours a day, can have a devastating effect on the body. Remaining in a seated position for several hours decreases blood flow to your legs. As blood flow slows down, the risk of forming a blood clot increases dramatically. This, in conjunction with all of the other issues that sitting causes, can create the perfect storm when it comes to deteriorating health.

What Can You Do to Improve Your Health?

Even though you may spend several hours a day sitting, there are little things you can do to minimize the health risks. Every hour, make it a point to stand up and stretch. Walk around for a few minutes. Remember to correct your posture and keep your back straight and your shoulders squared. If you have the option, choose to work at a stand-up desk. Ergonomic desks are being made that adjust to a standing height for those who get tired of sitting.

Work out or walk for a few minutes before you go to work, at lunch, and a few minutes after work can make a world of difference. Bottom line, make a commitment to at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day, whether it's walking or working out or even simply taking the stairs. Most importantly, stick to it. 

If you are having problems with your circulation and are forced to sit for long periods of time due to your work, schedule a free vein screening. At Missouri Vein Care, we can evaluate your circulation and look for signs of a vein condition. We can get you back on your feet and feeling your best. Our goal is to assist you in living a healthier lifestyle and giving you the help you need to stay as active as possible.




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