Missouri Vein Care Blog

Varicose Veins And A Healthy Self-Image

Written by Dr. Michael Ryan | November 14, 2019 at 12:41 PM

If you've ever felt embarrassed about varicose and spider veins, you're not alone. These conditions aren't just about looks; they affect your physical and mental health. Feeling better and accepting yourself is a reminder that having a normal appearance leads to a positive psychology. Most people with visible leg veins struggle in part because they don't feel normal.   
Sometimes, people with a vein condition will have visible leg veins that are unsightly to themselves and others. The most common visible leg veins associated with a vein condition are varicose veins and spider veins. Varicose veins are enlarged, twisted veins that appear on the skin's surface. They appear in the lower legs as veins fill with blood due to vein reflux and the veins expand, pressing against the skin.  Spider veins, also known as telangiectasia, are similar to varicose veins but smaller in size and often closer to the skin's surface. Both conditions can be unsightly and even painful at times.

It's important to note that not all individuals with a vein condition exhibit visible leg veins. For those who do, it brings not only physical discomfort in their legs and feet, leading to self-consciousness and the burden of feeling the constant need to conceal them. This leads to a feeling of emotional and social isolation and strain. 

How a Vein Condition Affects Self-Image

Body confidence, or the lack thereof, is a human quality. Men and women of all ages struggle with poor self-perception against what society has set as an unattainable standard. It affects us physically, mentally and emotionally. When we believe we look good, it is easier for us to feel good. Confidence and body image are intertwined. We want to be socially accepted as normal.

However, when you suffer from varicose veins, your focus changes. ‘Normal’ becomes the unattainable standard. The presence of blue and purple bulging varicose veins and spider veins can cause men and women alike to feel the negative gaze of people, and they then internalize that negativity into their mindset. They then feel bad about themselves. Moreover, many falsely believe nothing can be done about the unsightly veins. 



The development of a vein condition can happen at any age. For me, it happened when I was a college student. I’ve treated children who had a vein condition. For most, however, it shows up as you get older. At a time of life when men and women over the age of 55 should be enjoying a new independent phase of life and all the freedoms that maturity brings, many shrink back - physically, mentally, and emotionally - because of advancing and highly visible symptoms of varicose veins and spider veins. I hear stories that women won't wear shorts, go into the swimming pool, or go on vacation and walk in the sand at the beach because they are ashamed of their legs. 

The blue and grey bulging veins and spider veins across your legs cause men and women, young and old alike, to feel ashamed of their appearance, and to some degree that they are negatively judged because of the unsightly veins. Self-confidence and body image deteriorate to the point where they can’t even talk about their condition, and their quality of life suffers greatly.

In a recent conversation, a patient tearfully described how, for years, her varicose veins had progressively altered the appearance of her legs to the point where she was ashamed of them. Tired of people staring and gawking, she covered her legs, hiding her ugly secret while suffering in silence. For her, self-confidence wasn’t about feeling young and beautiful again, as many of us would think. She just wanted to feel and look normal.

Isn't this something we all deserve?

The Psychological Burden of Vein Conditions

The psychological impact of living with visible varicose or spider veins cannot be overstated. Individuals find themselves caught in a vortex of self-consciousness and isolation, as the visible signs of their condition invite unwanted attention and judgment. This societal stigma exacerbates feelings of shame, leading many to conceal their condition and withdraw from social interactions. The emotional toll mirrors the physical discomfort, creating a dual burden that weighs heavily on one's quality of life.

Breaking the Cycle of Shame

By addressing the root cause of the discomfort and disfigurement, vein treatment offers a chance to regain a renewed sense of self. Our patients tell us that they emerge from treatment not only with legs that look normal but that they finally feel normal too.  This transformation, from feeling isolated due to the negative attention on their veins to now feeling accepted by friends, family, and acquaintances after veins have been treated leads to a more positive body self-image and psychology. 


Embracing a Future Unbound by Vein Conditions

If you find yourself suffering in silence and hiding from people and activities you love because of the fear of exposing your varicose and spider veins, you are not alone. Vein treatment not only helps your legs feel better, but it also makes you feel normal again and have a positive psychology. Our growing list of before & after photos will inspire you. The procedure is not only relatively painless, it is covered by most insurance companies. Most patients see a visible difference after only a few treatments. Confidence is contagious. 

Feeling better about yourself gives you the motivation to live better. In story after story, we hear about patients who are so inspired by the visible transformation in their legs after treatment, that they regain the confidence to tackle other health goals: weight loss, smoking cessation, exercise, and more. 

No one should have to accept a life limited by ugly varicose or spider veins. With advances in medical treatments and a growing understanding of the psychological impact of these conditions, individuals have a real opportunity to reclaim their lives. A life characterized by freedom, confidence, connection - and normalcy - is well within reach.