Skin health is a topic that often receives less attention than it deserves. However, when skin issues escalate into more serious conditions like skin sores or ulcers, they demand our full understanding and consideration. In this video, I share valuable insights into the development, causes, and treatment of skin sores related to vein conditions.
Vein conditions, left untreated for a long period of time, can result in the deterioration of the skin closest to where blood pools in the lower legs and ankles. This causes skin sores and skin ulcers to emerge, often seemingly overnight. What makes skin sores so frustrating is that, without treatment of the underlying condition, they heal slowly and they tend to come back even if they heal. People who have them deal with daily dressing changes and wound care, and it's an enormous burden. While most people are familiar with ulcers occurring in the stomach, the same concept can be applied to the skin.
These ulcers are closely tied to the functionality of vein circulation. In individuals where vein circulation falters, a significant concern arises – stagnant blood. This stagnant blood sets off an inflammatory response, characterized by an accumulation of inflammation chemicals. Over time, this inflammation becomes overwhelming, interfering with the skin's natural processes and causing it to break down spontaneously. This characteristic breakdown is a defining feature of venous ulcers.
There are two significant hallmarks of venous ulcers.
Following this phase of skin discoloration and alteration, the skin sore becomes evident. However, the journey of a venous ulcer is far from linear. These sores exhibit a pattern of healing and recurrence, providing further insights into their complex nature.
A common question patients have is how to treat skin ulcers. Compression stockings play an important role, especially in the early stages. These stockings aid in the healing process by reducing inflammation in the affected tissues. They promote better circulation, helping the skin sore heal more effectively.
However, the ultimate solution to preventing the recurrence of skin sores lies in vein treatment. A comprehensive evaluation is important. This evaluation involves ultrasound imaging to get a clear picture of what is happening beneath the surface of the skin so that we can determine the root cause of the problem. This step is crucial in preventing the reappearance of skin sores.
Discontinuing the use of compression stockings without addressing the underlying vein issues can lead to a 90% likelihood of the sore's return.
The positive news is that with advancements in medical technology and treatments, the process of diagnosing and addressing vein-related skin sores is now an easy office visit. Vein treatments will help stop vein reflux and clear up inflammation from pooling blood. Treatments are minimally invasive and highly effective, promoting the healing of skin sores while minimizing the risk of recurrence. We see the skin sore clear up, but skin discoloration will usually lighten though it typically won’t disappear completely.
Understanding the development of skin sores or ulcers related to vein conditions is crucial for early detection, proper management, and effective treatment. Armed with this knowledge, individuals experiencing symptoms of skin discoloration and irritation can take proactive steps toward seeking appropriate medical attention. With the guidance of medical professionals and the availability of modern treatments, the journey toward healing and preventing the recurrence of skin sores has become a promising reality.