Missouri Vein Care Blog

6 Ways to Make Your Health a Priority in the New Year

Written by Dr. Michael Ryan | January 4, 2022 at 3:00 PM

We all know the all-too-familiar struggle. You have the best intentions in making your health a priority in the new year. But as the days turn into weeks, and the weeks turn into months, it quickly becomes apparent that prioritizing your health is not as easy as you thought, despite good intentions.

Many of us start the new year with the best of intentions, but life gets in the way. It's customary to want to make changes in the new year. Choices that you make about your health - what you eat, how you handle stress, fi you exercise - can affect your health either positively or negatively. We all know this and have seen negative results, especially over the last few years with COVID. Now is the time to make positive changes that will produce healthier results for you in the new year. Here are a few suggestions to get you started. 

How Can You Make This Year Your Best, Healthiest Year Yet

Luckily, by making some realistic, consistent habits and goals going into the New Year, you can make this year your healthiest yet, and set yourself up for better success for years to come. And by making better choices for your overall health, you are bettering your vein health and circulation at the same time. Here are some practices you might consider adopting as you make your health a priority in the new year:

1. Recognize Unhealthy Habits, and Make Steps to Eliminate Them

First, recognize your unhealthy habits. We all have different ones we struggle with. Do you have an addiction to any particular food or drink? Are you not drinking enough water? Are you not getting enough daily exercise or movement? Do you smoke or consume tobacco products? Do you dwell on negative thoughts?

We all have our vices, but unfortunately, these habits can be the very things that are serving as a barrier between us and our most healthy selves. Take time to make small specific steps toward improving your health in the new year. 

2. Perform Some Kind of Movement Every Day

Exercise might be the best way to promote healthy vein circulation, reduce swelling, and help improve overall health in the long term. Movement, then, means you are burning calories. To maintain or lose weight, you need to burn calories daily. Exercise also increases mental clarity and reduces feelings of anxiety, sadness, and depression. So even if it is in relatively small amounts, be sure that you are performing some kind of movement each day in the new year. This could look like anything from a 5-10 minute walk, to going up and down the stairs, to walking in place, or performing leg and feet exercises. Work up to 30-60 minutes of daily activity. Any movement is better than no movement...and more is definitely better. 

3. Cut Back on Carbs and High Fructose Corn Syrup

You know the old saying, food is the best medicine. And in a way, this is absolutely true! A healthy diet is a foundation for a healthy life. When you fuel your body properly with nutritious foods consistently, it responds by looking and feeling better. Cut back on carbs and eliminate high fructose corn syrup from your diet. This is the easiest way to lose weight. 

4. Drink More Water

Medically, thirst and hunger trigger similar responses in the brain, and you can cut down on your calorie intake by drinking water before each meal or before you have a snack. Drink 8 ounces of water and then give yourself 10 minutes before eating. You will likely feel full and either decide not to eat or will eat less. 

5. Connect with People without using a Device

Human beings crave and need real interpersonal connections and relationships - the kind that involves one-on-one interaction and conversation. There are many ways to do this. Face-to-face is best - without a device. Make a commitment to put your device away when meeting with people. Ask your friend to do the same.  

6. Recognize What You are Thankful For

Experiencing gratitude helps generate a positive mood, which helps reduce stress. I have recently written more on how gratitude and positive thinking can actually reduce stress and improve overall health. It's even more powerful when you share your gratitude with another person. The end result is that you feel better for having made a positive connection with another person, and they feel good having received a compliment. 

Take advantage of the opportunity that comes with the end of the holidays to make some sustainable New Year's resolutions. 

Here's to a happy and healthy new year!